8th February 2025

Search Hemingford Grey Parish Council

Proud to serve the people of Hemingford Grey



Bringing wildlife adventures to your doorstep!

Website: www.fieldfarewildlife.co.uk
Facebook & Instagram: @FieldfareWildlife
Mobile: +44 (0)7419 341 638

Sign up to our newsletter: https://fieldfarewildlife.co.uk/newsletter

Great Ouse Valley Trust Newsletters

The Great Ouse Valley Trust (GOVT) is a charity with the objective 'To promote for public benefit the conservation, restoration, and enjoyment of the landscape, wildlife and heritage of the Great Ouse Valley and environs in the county of Cambridgeshire.'
The area is nationally recognised and valued for its wildlife, leisure, natural and heritage attractions which contribute to the county's natural green spaces.

Our Partner Members contribute knowledge, expertise, resources and energy so that together we can champion the unique appeal of the Great Ouse Valley.
To become a Supporter or make a donation, please visit our website. Here you will also find news of our current projects, our media coverage, planning issues and much more.

Hemingford Grey Parish Council is a member of GOVT but individuals may join too.

The British Horse Society

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

My name is Charlotte and I am the Access Field Officer for the British Horse Society covering the East Region.

We are undertaking work to record legal rights, and to preserve and reinstate routes. We are currently looking to recruit Historical Research Volunteers in the Eastern Region and would be very grateful if you could share the attached poster with your parishioners who may be interested in this project.

Kind regards


Natural Cambridgeshire

Natural Cambridgeshire has put together a simple and quick survey to gather evidence about how people used natural open space, parks and the countryside during lockdown, We are interested in whether people's attitudes to the natural world have changed and what more needs to be done now to encourage more people to enjoy and value the natural world. Please take 3-5 minutes to fill it in!


30 Days Wild!

Love Nature? Love a Challenge? Then let's all Go Wild in June with

30 days Wild!

Join the Wildlife Trusts annual nature challenge with
The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, and Northamptonshire

This June, join thousands of people taking part in the Wildlife Trusts annual nature challenge, 30 Days Wild! The Trust want you to do one wild thing a day throughout the whole month: for your health, wellbeing and for the planet. That is 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness.

By visiting the link below you will get a free, downloadable pack of goodies to help you plan your wild month, plus lots of ideas to inspire you to stay wild throughout June and hopefully, beyond. When you register you will receive extra 'bonus' items from instructions for baking hedgehog cupcakes to a beginner's guide to wildlife photography so keep an eye on your emails for additional fun activities.

To get your downloadable pack, click on link below – and start going Wild!

https://www.wildlifebcn.org/ <https://www.wildlifebcn.org/>


Love Nature? Love a Challenge? Then let's all Go Wild in June with

30 days Wild!

Join the Wildlife Trusts annual nature challenge with
The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, and Northamptonshire

This June, join thousands of people taking part in the Wildlife Trusts annual nature challenge, 30 Days Wild! The Trust want you to do one wild thing a day throughout the whole month: for your health, wellbeing and for the planet. That is 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness.

By visiting the link below you will get a free, downloadable pack of goodies to help you plan your wild month, plus lots of ideas to inspire you to stay wild throughout June and hopefully, beyond. When you register you will receive extra 'bonus' items from instructions for baking hedgehog cupcakes to a beginner's guide to wildlife photography so keep an eye on your emails for additional fun activities.

To get your downloadable pack, click on link below – and start going Wild!


. "The Wildlife Trusts play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage. I would encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to join them"

Sir David Attenborough

Bird Boxes

Picture of a brightly coloured bird box

Picture of a brightly coloured bird box

From my sitting room window I can see that the birds are starting to pair up and a blackbird was collecting nesting material- sadly it disappeared into a neighbour's garden. A pair of blue tits has investigated our bird box.

So that reminded me of the 27 bird boxes that the Parish Council arranged to put up in the parish. We have had a couple of reports of birds visiting some of the boxes. For example in Vicarage Fields by the Glebe Road footpath.

So as you walk about the parish please take a moment to watch the bird boxes and please let us know if you see birds visiting the boxes. We will then put the information up on the website for us all to enjoy. In these dark days we all need to find reasons to smile.

The boxes are in the following locations- Vicarage Fields, De Vere Close, Mitchell Close playarea, the Cemetery, Village Sign area and Daintree Green.

Please send your sightings to the Webmaster to the webmaster@hemingfordgreyparishcouncil.gov.uk
Please give us some details about the bird box such as location and style of decoration.

Many Thanks

Councillor Anne Meredith

Last updated: Sat, 06 Apr 2024 11:48